Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What An Awesome Team!

I just want to take a moment to be thankful for the team I work with. For those of you who don't know, I worked an epic 93 hours last week. Some would say that must have been "hell", but I would say it wasn't. And that is all thanks to the team that I work for. By boss, but more importantly my friend Wes, was with me every step of the way doing everything he could, even when it was just a one man job. One night later in the week the Senior Pastor and his wife took us out to dinner to show their appreciation for all the work we were doing. And that's what makes the difference. When you work 93 hours, and no one notices or cares, that's what makes it "hell".

Why 93 hours you ask? Well here is the short story and to-do list for last week:

1. Final prep and media for the Iron Sharpens Iron conference that weekend. (all 12 videos and countless powerpoint presentations.)
2. implement final leg of new lighting rep plan after weeks of CAD design revisions. (i.e. take down every single fixture and put them back up the right way, then reprogram the congo from scratch)
3. Final prep to launch new sermon series that weekend. (New intro video and graphics)
4. Sit through 2 hour staff meeting no one cares about (I'm not bitter)
5. The usual weekly tasks
6. PM on all the lighting gear (replace gels and bulbs in lights, replace broken sockets in the worthless strand fresnels, and rest the lighting racks, dust everything, clean filters, you get the idea)
7. Fix the outlook control system once an for all
8. Continue to work on resolving the Crestron control system issues.

None of this could have been possible without the help and support of the rest the team.

1 comment:

  1. Honestly, I am sorry I missed it. It makes you feel really good to accomplish so much is so little time. Especially when you get long term benefit (lighting plan).
